Theology of Worship

At Christ Church of Morgantown, we desire worship that is rooted first in the Scriptures and then in the patterns of historic Christian worship. The theology which defines our approach to God is reformed and Protestant. We are committed to worship which is biblical, God-Centered, and true to church practices throughout the ages. Our service follows a covenant renewal pattern.

First, our worship is Biblical. Worship should be filled with Biblical content. In our services, you will participate in responses, Psalms, hymns, and prayers filled with Scripture. Reading Scripture from the Old and New Testaments reflects our desire to hear and submit ourselves to the whole counsel of God.

Second, our worship is God-centered. Worship should exalt our great Triune God. Our desire for God-centered worship is reflected in our commitment to a Covenant Renewal Worship pattern.

Covenant Renewal Worship

  1. God Calls Us. The Minister recites a portion of God’s Word (usually a Psalm) calling us into His presence. By this, we are reminded of our covenantal relationship to Him as His people.
  2. We Confess Our Sins. Because sin cannot be tolerated in God’s presence, we must confess our sins individually and corporately in prayer. God responds with His assurance of pardon, the wonderful promise that all of our sins are forgiven in Christ, which the Minister recites from Scripture.
  3. God Consecrates Us (Makes us Holy). God teaches His people through prayer and the Word. There are three parts to this section of the service.
    • Reading and Preaching of the Word. A central aspect of our maturing in Christ is growth in our grasp of the Word of God. We devote a considerable portion of time to the reading and expositional preaching of the Word.
    • Prayers of God’s People. Following preaching, we pray to the Lord for the kingdom of God, our national and local leaders, missions, and our own needs.
    • Confession of Faith. This time is concluded by God’s people affirming our identity in Him by confessing our faith using the historic creeds of the Church.
  4. God Feeds Us at Communion. Communion is a means of grace. We celebrate communion weekly. All who are baptized and not under church discipline are warmly welcomed to the Lord’s Table to eat and drink with Him.
  5. God Sends Us Out. We are sent from our gathering in His special presence to serve Christ in our daily vocations. We receive the benediction (blessing) of God at the close of the service.
  6. Finally, our worship is historically informed. We seek to use those universal patterns—creeds, confessions, prayers, and responses—that the Church through the ages has cherished because they are biblically rooted and edify God’s people.

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